Monday, January 28, 2013


Hello, my pretties!

I wanted to disclose to you some not-so-secret shopping information I've learned on this snowy Monday morning in New York City.  Dig out your wallets, because these are big.

Firstly, ASOS.  Who can say no to a winter jacket marked down 70%, amIright?  Also, do not hesitate to scan over the men's sale for oversized sweaters.  They are too damn comfy.

Secondly, Piperlime.  An extra 20% off items already marked 60% off?  I think all my dreams have come true.  Plus, you can search the sale easily by shoe size, and you know that's always a plus for Size 11 ladies like myself.

Thirdly, Barneys.  A place I usually can not afford (let's be real) is having a "Warehouse Sale" this February - wait for it - ONLINE.  Some discounts will be marked up to 70% off, a.k.a. semi-affordable!  Click here for more information (via Racked), and don't forget to put your email down for notifications regarding WHEN this sale is actually happening.  Trust me people, you're not going to want to miss this.

NOW's the time to shop, people!  Even though winter clothes are currently on sale - IT'S STILL WINTER, and you're going to want to wear them.

Any other ridiculous sales I'm missing?  Comment away!


  1. Have you or do you know of anyone who has bought items from Urbanog or Tobi?

    1. No I don't! I haven't heard of them until now. Checking out, it looks like everything's super trendy and cheap, but be mindful that the material will be cheap too (like Forever 21). Tobi looks amazing too, but again, it won't be high quality stuff. If you want something just for one or two seasons, these might have great options!

  2. I am a huge fan of your blog and I have some fashion related questions. I attempted to send you a message on facebook but stated that the message was sent to your 'other' inbox being that we have no friend connections so I am not sure if you recieved it or not. If you did not receive it, Is it possible for me to email you? If so what is your email address?

    1. Yes, of course you can email me! My email is Thanks!

  3. Can we expect another post any time soon? =(

    1. Hopefully this weekend! Working 7 days a week has taken quite a toll on my creative flow. Thank you for your continued interest and loyalty! xox

  4. do you have any recommendations of face powders? i wear a light foundation but sometimes my face gets a little shiny and was wondering if u knew of any good powders to help combat this.
