Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cheap S%$T Pick of the Week:

Just a shameless plug to begin...

Congratulations to the Boston University Dance Team as they competed at NDA Camp last week and managed to do WERK on home court - First Place in Team Dance, Best All Around award, Most Collegiate award, best Game Day Hip-Hop routine, and a gold bid to NDA Nationals next April!  As I'm no longer a member of the BU Dance Team (graduating will do that to a girl...), I will take on full responsibility for promoting them as often as I can in real life and on my blog.  These beautiful girls perform at all men's and women's basketball games as well as events and competitions on- and off-campus, including the aforementioned NDA Nationals in April down in Daytona Beach, Florida.  Go watch them perform when you get a chance!

SO.  Etsy.  It's nothing new.  I can't count how many Etsy photos I've seen on Pinterest, and I'm not on the website often, but it's A LOT.  People (well, mostly girls and feminine boys) LOVE Etsy because it's literally everything your little heart could imagine.  The people who sell on Etsy are from all over the world, so your options (and markets) really are endless.  One of my favorite things about Etsy - besides its meticulous categorizing of gizmos and gadgets - is its "Buy Handmade" mission.  Each designer/craftsperson/artist's post for an item lets you, the buyer, observe just how perfectly crafted that item is, and new products are posted every day so there are always new items to look at.  One of the downsides of Etsy is the time it takes to ship an item, but I've heard from my friends' experiences that the wait is always worth it.

Annie Georgia Greenberg's "Best of Etsy: 50 Cool Finds Made in NYC" article on Refinery29 is a fantastic guide to buying local NYC products on Etsy.  The website can be a bit overwhelming with the amount of products being sold on it, but besides this article, there are many others that involve writers' favorite Etsy picks.

Also, the Weddings page on Etsy is just to die for.  Where else can you buy a wedding dress, engagement ring, bridesmaids gift and decor for your wedding on ONE website?!  As Etsy is obviously targeted mostly for women, the Wedding page is a dream come true for girls like me who could spend hours planning her own wedding that isn't likely to happen for years.  But... you never know.

As a "Cheap S%$T Pick of the Week," Etsy can be fairly cheap, but many products are also a bit pricy.  My opinion: everything on Etsy is totally worth the cost for product originality.  Make sure you watch where the seller is located and the shipping cost - many products on Etsy are similar among different sellers, so you might be able to catch a better deal if you look around the site more.

ON A SIDE NOTE, I'll be moving to New York City this Saturday, so please be prepared for my posts to target the NYC crowd more so than usual.  My apologies, Bostonians!

What are your thoughts on Etsy?  Too overwhelming?  Can't ever find what you're looking for?  Or are you in love with the creative marketplace?  Comment away!


  1. I find Etsy to be like Ebay to me. They both have great finds but there is so much to look at its sometimes overwhelming and hard to sort through. How do you navigate the sites? Do you have certain people you typically trust and buy from or do you just browse and buy what you stumble upon?

    1. Thanks for your comment, Casey! I mostly just browse through the website and buy what I stumble upon.. sometimes you can tell just by how the user writes up the product description that it's safe to buy from that person. There's also an "Admirers" section to the right, and if that number's fairly high, you know that product is a good buy. If I'm looking for a specific item, I try to be open-minded and browse the category my item should be in and see what's available.

    2. Thanks! Also, im definitely going to miss your bean town posts =( but good luck in NYC! i definitely look up to you! hopefully i'll be there some day!
